Monday 3 March 2014

Avoid night snacks better for health

Avoid night snacks better for health:

"Better to avoid eating in late-night hours.It cause damage to your health and digestion probelm occurs for this type of snacks,so now a days everyone want to deacrease their weight,due to this night-late it is better to avoid the late-night snacks." Late night eating causes  not comfort insleep that can cause you to hold belly fat.Actually some people has late-night eating is just a habit--that no one is around you to see and it is a peaceful time to enjoy the favourite foods.Some tips that help you to overnight munching.
  • Don't eat late in the day or after dinner.
  • Drinking plenty of water thet can help you to stay hydrated.
  • To increase protein in your dinner.Research suggests that protein has the greatest staying power to keep hunger at all the day.
  • So if you increase the fiber in your diet, especially at dinner you can try to add beans or whole grains to keep you feeling full.

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