Thursday 13 March 2014

Egg benifits and vitamins uses

Egg is the one of the perfect food item that makes our health very good.There are lot of benefits to eating egg. egg contains the following vitamins.
Vitamin-B2: It convert food into energy.
Vitamin-B12: Produce red blood cells.
Vitamin-A:Improves your eyesight.
Vitamin-E:Fight with the free radicals that can cause tissue and cell damage.
These vitamins can helps to growth in your body so regularly giving it to your children.It makes you to boost up your body and help to weight loss.It contains iron,zinc and phosphorous.Iron gives energy to your body.Zinc helps to turn food into energy.Phosphorous gives energy to bones and teeth.One egg contains 70-85 calories.It prevents breast cancer also.If you take atleast six eggs per week it can lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.It promote healthy hair and nails because it contains high sulphur content and wide variety of vitamins and minerals.So many people like to take boiled egg.We can do so many varieties egg amlet,curry etc...

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